Lambatoken has Bridged to Binance Smart Chain

Implication and benefits.

Lambabros Media
2 min readMar 15, 2022
lambatoken bridge to bsc
lambatoken bridge to bsc, Image by the author.

A blockchain bridge enables interoperability and connectivity between two unique blockchains that operate under different consensus mechanisms. More clearly put, blockchain bridges allow two different blockchains to interact with each other.

Blockchains have unique capabilities that users often want to utilize together. However, that doesn’t seem possible since these blockchains work independently on their isolated ecosystem and abide by their own unique consensus rules. Independent blockchains can’t interact with each other to exchange information or value.

Lambatoken being previously minted on the Ethereum smart chain, we are pleased to announce our bridging to the Binance smart chain(BSC).

Lambatoken bridged to BSC using an extended open source fork of bitcoin platform multichain.

This successful step will provide the following benefits to our users :

  • Users can take advantage of the tokens transfer from the Ethereum blockchain that charges high transaction costs to Binance smart chain where transaction costs are comparatively cheaper.
  • With the ability to transfer tokens instantly, users can shift from a volatile cryptocurrency to Stable coins quickly without taking the help of an intermediary.
  • Users can leverage the benefits of two separate blockchains to create dApps instead of only from the hosted blockchain.

About lambatoken

Lambatoken first sets of solution are on real estate, community educational platform, NFT decentralized marketplace, lifestyle, interactive eSports, and entertainment. Lambatoken also tokenizes real estate projects thereby creating more value beyond the norm for real estate investors, the next home owner, and digital asset holders, Lambatoken is set to power new digital economies powered by the blockchain.

LambaToken is a driver of new digital economies, creating ecosystems consisting of interconnected sets of platforms that explore new combinations of people, processes, and technology.

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Lambabros Media

Lambatoken is a digital asset built on blockchain technology to facilitate and govern transactions in the Lambabros ecosystems and for new economies.